After Dark
Below: Ancient Lonely Bristlecone: Dead Horse Overlook, Utah
It is 3:30 AM, February 23rd, and 9 degrees on the night of a "New Moon." I am starting another pilgrimage to a remote section of Utah overlooking Dead Horse Basin near a cliff. The stars fill the sky like a million snowflakes suspended in space and time. Working alone, I set up my tripod, fingers numb with cold and capture what I think will be a beautiful wall hanging of an Ancient and lonely Bristlecone Pine, which is over 1000 years old. Before I leave, I join the scene for a “selfie” examining the heavens to ponder the how and why of my existence. There are 125 Billion Galaxies in the observable universe. In the image below, you are observing one photograph with no manipulation. A simple 13-second-long exposure to gather light from the faintest stars in the universe.
Lonely Bristlecone Pine
Deadhorse Point
Image 1
Lonely Bristlecone Pine
Deadhorse Point
Image 2
Lonely Bristlecone Pine
Deadhorse Point
Winterscape Images
Image 3 Black and White
Image 4 Color
Night Landscapes
Image 4 First light
Image 6 Moonlight
See “Art and Awards” for an explanation of Traditional Prints, Canvas, Metal, and Museum Acrylic.
Note: Each image has a maximum print size based on resolution. Please reach out if you have an image and size in mind. Prices below do not include tax, or shipping if out of the local area.