The Cost of Photographic Art 

Why does photography cost so much when it doesn’t cost that much to make a print or a wall hanging?

 Photographer Equipment Expense + Depreciation

Cameras      Lenses               Photographic Paper                 Printers                          Filters

Lens            Strobes              Auto Expense                            Office Expense               Backup drives    

Tripods        Telephone          Advertising                                Hot Lights                      Backdrops

Website       Lab Costs           Memory chips                           Light Stands                   Posing stools

Computers   Auto insurance    Liability Insurance               Equipment Insurance     Printing paper

Vehicle        Maintenance       Gas                                           Vehicle Insurance            Lab costs

Software      Computers         Displays                                    Projectors                      Art Show Cost

License        Income Tax        Sales Tax                                   Repair Costs                   Art Displays

Art Tent       Tent Banners      Tent Weights                             Tent Carpet                    Tent walls

Mats Clear sleeves Art Trailer Software License Assistants 

Website Management: many hours a week        


 Photographers Time, Travel

  • Vehicle: So far, I have logged 300,000 miles on photographic trips. My primary haunts are Moab (Arches National Park), Colorado (Little Bookcliffs Wild Horse Country), the Tetons, and Yellowstone. But like my business title, I spend a tremendous amount of time driving around the local Park City area looking for wildlife and landscape subjects because local scenes with our resident wildlife connect with local residents!

  • Food and Hotel expenses afield getting sellable images

  • Download images from the card

  • Backup image to separate hard drives

  • Import into Lightroom

  • Pick winners and losers

  • Correct Exposure - Correct Highlights, Shadows, Midtones, Clarity, Saturation, Lens corrections etc.

  • Color Correct

  • Cropping and Sizing for final output

  • Noise Reduction

  • Outputting resolution for print

  • Upload to the printing machine  

  • Proof Print

  • Adjust

  • Print Final Print

  • Sign and Edition 

  • Package

  • Travel to the post office or client

  • Submit fees to enter art shows

  • Pay booth fees (Standard is $200-$300)

  • Wrap up art, then load my trailer and travel to an art show

  • Unload, unpackage, arrange art, and set up for various art show

  • Spend the day (s) at the art show

  • Pack up art, go home, and unload art

  • Training: Seminars – Webinars – Competitions – Applying to Art shows


  • Experience: I have been in business for 20+ years.

  •   I am licensed and insured.

  •   I invest in continuous training, resulting in the latest techniques and the best image quality.

  •   I compete against other professionals and have my work examined by Master Judges.

  •   I maintain professional credentials with memberships as follows

  •   Intermountain Professional Photographers Assn (IPPA)

  •    Professional Photographers of America (PPA)

  •   Park City Photography Club

I desire a customer who prioritizes quality and customer service over economy. I will make every effort to create a timeless memory that will last a lifetime. I guarantee your satisfaction.