Life Unscripted

This collection celebrates the candid, unscripted moments of everyday life in urban settings. From the bustling streets of Manhattan to the soulful charm of New Orleans, each image captures the essence of human experience in its rawest form.

  1. The Lady in Red – Manhattan, New York City

  2. To Serve and Protect – Manhattan, New York City

  3. Wired – Manhattan, New York City

  4. Swagger – Manhattan, New York City

  5. The Ice Cream Man – Manhattan, New York City

  6. The Man in Blue – Philadelphia

  7. The Golden Years – Coney Island, New York City

  8. Fake News – Manhattan, New York City

  9. Nawlins – New Orleans

  10. Reunion of Old Friends – Manhattan, New York City

  11. Better and Better – Manhattan, New York City

  12. Bill Cunningham: American Fashion Photographer for The New York Times – Born March 12, 1929 – Died June 25, 2016… RIP Bill

Art vs. Commercial Use

Photography often blurs the line between art and commercial purpose. When these images are used as artistic expression, the protections under the First Amendment generally apply. In public spaces—whether a park, a beach, or a busy city street—individuals have no reasonable expectation of privacy. This means that photographs of people in these settings can be taken legally without their consent.

However, when these images are intended for commercial use, model releases are required to obtain permission from the subjects for any promotional or profit-driven purposes.